Disability Equality Scheme



Westerton School welcomes its general responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and resultant Equality Duty to have due regard to the need to:

·           promote equality of opportunity between disabled and non-disabled people;

·           eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act;

·           eliminate harassment of disabled persons that is related to their impairments;

·           promote positive attitudes towards disabled people;

·           encourage participation by disabled people in public life; and

·           take steps to take account of a disabled person’s impairments, even where that involves treating the disabled person more favourably than other people.

This Scheme sets out the steps the governing body will take that will result in improved outcomes for disabled pupils, parents/carers and staff in all aspects of school life.

School Ethos, Vision & Values

At Westerton we are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for disabled pupils, staff and all those receiving services from the school. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose their disability and to participate fully in school life. Our admissions policy does not discriminate against disabled pupils.

The achievement of disabled pupils will be monitored and we will use this data to raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. We will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that the school environment is as accessible as possible. We will not tolerate harassment of disabled people with any form of impairment.

This school uses the “social model” of disability, as the basis for its work to improve equality for and tackle discrimination against disabled people. This model says that it is the world and society that creates barriers that limit or prevent disabled people from enjoying the same opportunities as people who are not disabled.

Definition of Disability

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as someone who has a ‘physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.

According to the Disability Discrimination Act, an impairment is to be treated as affecting the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to day activities, only if it affects one or more of the following:

mobility, manual dexterity, physical co-ordination, continence, ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects, speech, hearing or eyesight, memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand and perception of the risk of physical danger.

The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 has extended the definition of disability to include people with HIV, multiple sclerosis and cancer from the point of diagnosis. Individuals with a mental illness no longer have to demonstrate that it is “clinically well-recognised”; although the person must still demonstrate a long-term and substantial adverse affect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Disability Equality in Education (DEE) recommends that all pupils with SEN and those with long term medical needs be treated as disabled for the purposes of the Act and for equality. This is in addition to all pupils with long-term impairments, which have a significant impact on their day-to-day activities.

How Disabled People have been Involved in the Scheme

Westerton School recognises the importance of involving disabled people fully in the development of our Disability Equality Scheme. We have involved disabled people in the following ways:

Disabled pupils and their parents:

We have identified our disabled pupils

We have ensured  that we listen to their views in SEN parent surgeries.

We have asked parents of children with a  disability to give their views on how we address the needs of their children.

Key issues identified by our pupils and their parents were:

They would like us to increase the Knowledge that other pupil’s have of their condition.

Disabled staff:

We have asked all staff to identify any barriers in school that affect them and how we can plan to overcome them.

No issues were identified by present staff

Disabled parents/carers:

We have given disabled parents/carers a questionnaire to identify any barriers and how we can improve the way we meet their needs.

No issues were identified

Disabled members of the local community:

We have given a questionnaire to all groups who make use of our facilities, asking them to identify any barriers and suggest reasonable adjustments.

No issues were raised .

We will continue to ask the views of any new groups using the school

How we have gathered information on the effect of our policies and practices on disabled people.

We recognise that our policies and practices may impact on disabled people and in particular on:

  • the recruitment, development and retention of disabled employees;
  • on the educational opportunities available to and the achievements of disabled pupils.

We acknowledge that information gathered from a wide range of sources will be required in order to identify the actions which we need to take to promote disability equality. We will ensure that information is gathered in relation to both employment and the delivery of our services. The processes we use for gathering information will include:

Pupil Achievement:

We closely monitor individual pupil achievement as part of school tracking and  SEN procedures{see SEN and Inclusion Policy } Target setting is carried out with careful consideration of individual ability.

Social Relationships:

We consider that good social relationships between disabled and non-disabled pupils are vital and these are monitored through SEN systems. Provision maps show where individual intervention is needed to enhance social skills of individual pupils.

Employing, Promoting and Training Disabled Staff:

We try to ensure that our staff are representative of the local community. We monitor the promotion and training of all staff to ensure equality of opportunity.

How we will assess the impact of our policies

We will monitor outcomes for Disabled Pupils at least termly, as part of normal inclusion procedures .Parents are able to feed back to SENCO at least once a term at SEN surgeries and parent pupil consultation  evenings.

We recognise that all our school’s policies may have an impact on the participation and outcomes for disabled pupils, parents/carers, staff and members of the local community. We have agreed a programme to review the impact of policies and this is contained in our action plan.

Our Action Plan

We have produced a disability equality action plan to ensure that we fulfil our general and specific duties under the Disability Equality Duty.

Our existing accessibility plan outlines the steps we are taking to improve:

  • curriculum access
  • provision of information to disabled pupils
  • physical access

We have now incorporated this plan into our overall Disability Equality Scheme action plan. 


Governors will review this Disability Equality Scheme annually in December We will report annually on the progress we make on promoting equality of opportunity for disabled people. Our annual report will include details of:

  • information we have gathered during the year
  • how this information was used
  • action points completed during the year and those that are ongoing

We will ensure that disabled people are involved in this process.

Revisiting the Scheme

Our scheme will be reviewed after a period of three years and disabled people will be involved in the process. A new action plan will be produced, responding to issues identified through our impact assessment and included in our annual reports.