
Maths in Reception


 Autumn Term

Spring Term Summer Term


Numeral recognition and composition (0-5)

Large movements for number formation

Subitising to 5

Number bonds to 5

Subtraction to 5

2D shape

Manipulating and repeating patterns

Rote counting 



 Numeral recognition and composition (6-10)

Number formation (0-10)

Addition and subtraction within 10

Length, capacity and weight

Comparing quantities to 10 and beyond

Familiar routes

3D Shape

Rote counting


 Number bonds within 10

Doubling and sharing

Odds and evens

Counting in multiples of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

Rote counting

Make patterns with different rules

Comparing quantities



Learning at Home

To help with children’s learning, we would encourage them to consolidate their understanding of these facts and mental strategies. This selection builds the foundations of their learning to come.

A solid understanding of these can support children’s school learning and allow them to access the more complex elements of mathematics.

As is done in school, the teaching of these should be done through play. You may see examples of this type of activity on Tapestry to give inspiration for what could be done at home.

The BBC Numberblocks series can also support understanding of number:







 Reception Rapid Recall Facts/Mental Strategies


  • Rote counting to and beyond 20.
  • Number formation and numeral recognition of numbers 0-10 and beyond.
  • Ordering, counting and recognising the cardinal value of numbers 0-10.
  • Explore the composition of numbers to 10
  • 1 more than and 1 less than a given number to 10. 
  • Number bonds for numbers up to and including to 10 including subtraction facts.
  • Subitise to 5.
  • Double numbers up to 5 (5+5=10).
  • Share objects equally.
  • Odd and even numbers (to 10).
  • Repeat patterns with up to 4 things in the pattern. 
  • Comment on the size of something.
    • Capacity – half full, nearly empty
    • Weight – heaviest/lightest and heavier than/lighter than
    • Length – longest/shortest/tallest
  • Recognise some 2D and 3D shapes including pentagon and hexagon.
  • Select, rotate and manipulate shapes to develop spatial reasoning skills.