
Maths in Year 4


Here is an overview of the topics covered in the year group. It gives an idea of when each topic is taught but this may vary depending on the need of the children in the cohort.

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Number and Place Value


Calculations: Multiplication and Division


Measurement: Money


Statistics: Graphs


Measurement: Mass, Length and Volume
Calculations: Addition and Subtraction


Fractions, Decimals and Percentages: Fractions



Measurement: Area



Geometry – Properties of Shapes: Geometry


Calculations: Multiplication and Division


Fractions, Decimals and Percentages: Decimals



Geometry – Properties of Shapes:

Position and Movements



Measurement: Time


Number and Place Value: Roman Numerals


Knowledge Organiser

Learn Its

Learning at Home

To help with children’s learning, we would encourage them to consolidate their understanding of these facts and mental strategies. This selection builds upon those which have been given in the previous years and gives the foundations of their learning to come.
A solid understanding of these can support children’s school learning and allow them to access the more complex elements of mathematics.
Children may also, occasionally, be given Learn Its. These support children to develop their knowledge and memory of what they will need to know for upcoming topics in maths. This is not homework as such but is sent home to support children’s school work.
Children are also encouraged to access TTRS daily to ensure a rapid recall of the multiplication facts.

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

In the summer term, children in year 4 will complete the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). By year 4, children should know all tables up to 12 x 12 and this check tests children’s recall of these times table facts.
The test is completed on a computer or tablet. Children will answer a series of 25 questions and are given no more than 6 seconds per question to provide an answer. Each question is worth one mark and a total score is calculated for the check. However, there is no pass mark for this test.


 Children are encouraged both in and out of school to regularly practise their       recall of times table facts. This is done in a variety of ways but   largely through   the use of Times Table Rockstars, which all children have individual logins for.

 More information on the MTC can be found online. 

 Multiplication Tables Check


Year 4 Rapid Recall Facts/Mental Strategies


• Add near doubles

• Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000

• Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1,000

• Tables allocation

• 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12

• Double all numbers within 50

• Halve all numbers within 50

• Including odd numbers

• Read Roman numerals to 100

• Count up and down in hundredths

• Know decimal equivalents for any number of tenths or hundredths

• Know decimal equivalents for  1/4,1/2, 3/4  

• Convert between different units of measure [for example, kilometre to metre; hour to minute]

• Know the formula to calculate area

• Tell the time on digital and analogue clock (12 hour and 24 hour)