Year 5 Computing

Here is an overview of the topics covered in the year group.  It gives an idea of when each topic is taught but this may vary depending on the need of the children in the cohort

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
E-safety - Create an animation about e-safety, use an online community safely, check information's validity, identify dangers online. 

Using Technology, Software and Data -explore software independently, understand how data is collected, search engines, use software to create music,

Networks and Data Representation - Compressing data for digital images, Data vocabulary: data and transmit, transferring data in binary, bit patters representing images as pixels. 

 Programming and Hardware - Micro:bit, Sonic Pi

  3D design and video animation, identify how to improve and edit a final product. 

Computational thinking - Write complex algorithms for a purpose, decompose animation into images and a story, decompose a program independently. Email and Internet- develop skills for how to use a search engine correctly.